The Moonshots Playbook

A Playbook For Being The Best Version of Yourself
I have studied over 200 authors, experts, and superstars to learn the habits of success. We draw learnings from various worlds - such as the academic rigor of Carol D. Dweck, David Goggins's grind, and Elon Musk's daring.
Jump into these practical guides, brilliant books, and handy tools to help you.
The Playbook
- Personal transformation
- Wellness: mindfulness, happiness, and purpose
- Health: sleep, diet, and exercise
- Relationships: empathy, transparency, and celebration
- Leadership
- Communication: listen, understand, sharing
- Teamwork: trust, conflict, commitment
- Coaching: reality, options, way forward
- Critical Thinking
- Mental Models: analysis, hypothesis, experimentation
- Creativity: inspiration, ideas, originality
- Learning: deep work, active learning, teaching
- Entrepreneurship
- Discovery: venture strategy, user insights, and product playbook
- Development: team, roadmap, and launch
- Drive: goals, value proposition, go-to-market
The Playbook
- Personal transformation
- Wellness:
- Mindfulness & Mindset
- Mindfulness Guide: Cultivating Inner Peace and Present Living
- Journaling Guide: 13 Steps to Navigating Self-Reflection and to be your Best
- Embracing Stoicism Guide: Living a Fulfilling Life
- Summary: Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
- Summary: The Gifts of Imperfection: Brené Brown
- Summary: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
- Summary: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson
- Summary: Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins
- Summary: Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win: Jocko Willink | Leif Babin
- Summary: The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment: Eckhart Tolle
- Happiness
- Purpose
- Vision Setting Guide: Setting a Vision that Ignites Passion and Purpose
- Designing Your Life Guide: Meaning-Making, Discovery, and Effective Practices
- Finding Your Purpose Guide: The Path to Meaning and Fulfillment
- Summary: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink
- Wealth Creation Guide: Building a Secure Financial Future
- Mindfulness & Mindset
- Wellness:
- Health & Habit: Healthy Living Guide: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Soul, Daily Habits Guide: Habit Loop for Total Wellness, Science of Success Guide: Unleash Your Full Potential, Summary: The 5 AM Club: Robin Sharma
- Sleep
- Diet
- "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan
- Exercise
- "The Art of Resilience: Strategies for an Unbreakable Mind and Body" by Ross Edgley
- Routine
- Relationships: Good Relationships Guide: Cultivating Connection
- Empathy
- Transparency
- Celebration
- Leadership
- Communication: Good Communication Guide: The Power of Connection and Understanding
- listen
- understand
- sharing
- Teamwork: Teamwork Guide: Fostering Collaboration and Achieving Success
- Trust
- Conflict
- Commitment
- Coaching: Summary: The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier
- Communication: Good Communication Guide: The Power of Connection and Understanding
- Critical Thinking
- Summary: The Great Mental Models: General Thinking Concepts: Farnam Street | Shane Parrish | Rhiannon Beaubien
- First Principles Guide: Unlock Your Problem-Solving Superpower
- Second-Order Thinking Guide: Unlocking Long-Term Success
- Circle of Influence Guide: A Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Taking Control of Your Life
- Opportunity Cost Guide: Making Informed Decisions
- Creativity: Unleashing Creativity Guide: Innovative Thinking and Problem-Solving
- Inspiration
- Ideas
- Originality: Summary: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
- Learning: Learn Anything Guide: Become a Lifelong Learner
- Deep work
- Active learning
- Teaching
- Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship Guide: Startup Success Unleashed, Starting A New Business Guide: Overcome Doubts and Build with Confidence
- Discovery: Product Discovery Guide: What is it and How to Do It
- Development: Product Development and Launch Guide: Building Success from Scratch
- Drive: Product Growth Guide: Growth Marketing Demystified
- Goals
- Value proposition
- Go-to-market